Little known fact was that growing up I had a few shows that I loved that most people would have never guessed. “Are You Being Served” was one of them (If you don’t know about this show you need to step your game up) “The Gary Shandling Show” and “Three’s Company”.  For some reason I thought Jack Tripper was one of the coolest dudes out there. For that reason I always wanted to live with two women. Nothing sexual at all just always thought it would be cool.  Now I didn’t know the actual plot of the show until I was about 21 (Yeah he was pretending to be gay so that the landlord, Mr. and Mrs. Roper, would allow him to be in the apartment).

So how does this have anything to do with me now? Well I am apartment hunting now and it just dawned on me that I have the opportunity to pull this off. I have  several apartments to look out before the months out and I am going to try to cross off one part of my life to do list. Become the Black Jack Tripper. Actually its now Black Tripper.  Granted I could be getting myself into a world of problems especially one place I am looking at has 4 girls living there (I don’t see anything good to even possibly come out of that) and only one bathroom.

Wish me luck on my hunting and hopefully I land the perfect place.

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